Healthy School Team
Our Healthy School Team is committed to providing a healthy
environment for both students and staff.
Did You Know!
Did you know that the Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistant at Glenridge Middle and Winter Park High Student Health Centers can diagnose and treat kids who are sick?
If your child is sick and cannot get an appointment with a healthcare provider, you can call us for an appointment.
We can see any Winter Park Consortium student and their siblings.
Our services are always free of charge.
Student Health Center at Glenridge
407-623-1413 ext. 2256
Student Health Center at Winter Park High
407-622-3200 ext. 2201
What do we do?

Aloma is a "no candy/no soda" zone. Because of the lack of nutritional value and the effect it has on kids' bodies (the initial sugar high leads to a quick crash), please do not send these items in for lunch or snack!

The team provides bottled water for the teachers to drink during the day. Staying hydrated helps the brain work better!

Mileage Club!
On Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, Mrs. Styron oversees a walking/running club that encourages students to MOVE in the morning! Students earn prizes for walking specific distances.

Character Education
Walking groups for staff on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Healthy Child-Parent Presentation

"Biggest Loser" contest for staff

Relaxation Teas and appreciation week gifts for faculty/staff!
Who are we?
The Healthy School Team consists of
the following staff members:
Kathy Styron
Amber Ballard
Meredith Forman
Ellen Mask
Eve Ferguson
Renae Medley
Monthly Focus
Each month, the Healthy School Team focuses on a particular concept through
Wellness Wednesday messages on the morning announcements, PE lessons, and
information on bulletins boards.
Listed below is the different concept for each month.

The importance of water

Sugar in foods/diabetes

Making healthy choices
(food pyramid)

Making healthy choices (continued)

Healthy lunches & snacks

Heart Health

Better Breakfasts

Healthy Earth Makes Healthy People

Summer Safety